All the type of industries that utilizes transport as a means of business requires a proper, reliable and efficient Fuel Management System to maintain, monitor and control the fuel consumption and fuel levels. Fuel Management acts as a major factor for any business that uses transport/assets that consume fuel. These highly determines the profitability and the operating costs. We offer a fuel management solution that will guarantee you proper Return on Investment (ROI) through monitoring of Fuel usage, fuel thefts and fuel fillings.
Reasons why you will need a fuel management system
Bad driving Habits, like harsh braking, harsh acceleration, harsh cornering, engine idling leads to poor fuel usage.
Use of the fuel for different purposes other than the intended business purposes; Trip/ route deviation
Partial fueling (fuel fraud or theft) whereby only part of the fuel ends up in the intended fuel tank while the rest goes to another storage so as to sell later.
Siphoning of fuel/fuel theft
Benefits of Fuel management
Reducing Fraud

Improve Fuel Efficiency

Lower Costs of Fuel

Fuel theft is a big issue in the industry. Fuel siphoning, also thieves can use a method known as fuel skimming, where they replace card readers at fuel pumps, creating fraud charges. But a fuel management system can keep track of the exact amount of fuel that is being used, and when the fuel is being accessed. You can use this data to identify security issues within your fleet and implement solutions.
With a fuel management system, you benefit from improved fuel efficiency, which helps to prevent fuel waste. When you track vehicle maintenance and driver routes, you can utilize this data to make cost-effective decisions, such as implementing more efficient driving routes and encouraging better driver behaviour, both of which will improve fuel efficiency.
Fuel is one of the costliest elements of running a fleet, but a fuel management system can save money on fuel costs. When you have a direct view of exactly how much fuel is being used per vehicle for each journey, you will be able to watch out for any anomalies. You may discover that some drivers are using your fuel for personal uses, and you can put a stop to that behaviour and ensure the fuel is only being used for fleet-related purposes.
Improved Data Accuracy

Human error in data collection is very common, so when you switch to an automated system, you can rely on the data being accurate and up to date. Your fuel management system will update your data in real-time, allowing you to intervene with early responses to any problems, improve vehicle performance and keep your fleet on the road for longer. The data is ideal for analysis and decision-making.

Additional Fuel Management Features
Driver Behavior
Driver behavior summary provides information on drivers performances over the course of the desired time period. The driver behavior summary uses an algorithm to calculate the grade for each driver. The chart reflects both the top 5 drivers and the worst 5 drivers and vehicles. Thus fleet managers can take action with the information provided to enhance their business productivity and safety of the vehicles.
Engine Diagnostics
Track3 platform enables the user to get the engine diagnostics information from various sources. (FMS, ELM 327, OBDII, CAN-bus) This data enables the user to see the current status of the engine parameters (such as oil temperature coolant temperature, engine load and etc.) as well as recognizing trends, thus it enables preventive maintenance and alerts upon abnormal engine performance.
Asset Tracking & Management
Visualize your fleet: Track your assets location and status in real time. Filter your display by fleets and groups, color and region.
Live Update: Real-time traffic and address search. Optimized with google maps.
Driver Identification
Controltech solutions enables the user to choose between various number of driver identification methods. (Dallas, RFID Cards, Numeric Keypad etc.) The driver identification enables to eliminate unauthorised vehicle use by connecting one of the above methods to the immobilizer. Moreover, the driver identification feature can be used to manage the drivers profile. Managers can mobilize and immobilize the vehicle remotely using Tracking Software or via direct SMS command.